MRI – Disc Reduction Using GNM Optimization Protocols

Electrosonographic (ESG) TM joint analysis was also used to record joint sound patterns of both left and right joints during dynamic opening and closing cycles. TMJ joint sounds can be correlated to mandibular  movements using finely balanced vibration transducers that are interfaced with a computer

ESG indicates high frequency low and high amplitude signature patterns (repeated) indicating severe joint damage to the discal tissue (bone on bone, scraping, grating patterns) during late opening and early closing mandibular movements (condyle at height of articular eminence) rubbing abnormally on bone. (K7 joint sound filtering is from 0-300 showing degenerative joint disease (DJD) is present on both joints. (When you see blue and red filtered graph lines patterns not returning to baseline in the fast fourier analysis graph below it is indicative of DJD).

K7 ESG TMJ Severe Discal damage bone on bone - Y Jackson Clayton A. Chan, DDS Dentistry


Myotronics K7 Electronsonography (ESG 2) was used to record functional temporomandibular joint sounds during functional open and closing movements before and after GNM orthotic treatment.

ESG recordings shows in left screen significant mid to late opening high frequency TM Joint sound signature patterns on left joint (red) and right joint (blue) before orthotic treatment.  Right screen shows shows quiet and improved ESG patterns after optimized GNM orthotic treatment for both left and right TMJ joints.

ESG before and after - Christina Y GNM Clayton A. Chan DDS

This validates that the Optimizing GNM protocols are able to recapture (reduce) non reducing disc using the orthotic based on muscle relaxation and proper jaw positioning protocols using K7 measurements.