Stable: How does any dentist determine joint, occlusion and muscle stability?

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QUESTION: How does any dentist determine if your joints, occlusion and muscles are actually “STABLE? (What is the objective criteria they use to determine such?)

Within the classical realm of the dental profession there is really NO answer….most have a lot of fancy academic verbage that sounds right, but nothing is backed up clinically…and this is the reason why so many on this forum are confused wondering how to get “Stable”. The reality is when doctors say we are stable, yet we don’t feel right and stable they cash the problem out as to relating to something else outside of their arena of care. They have no criteria since a majority of clinicians do not measure the quality of the problem, nor are able to quantify the issues as to muscle responses and function. Neither do they understand how to truly reach a level of homeostasis as it pertains to occlusal heatlh, muscle health, joint health and CNS health and well- being. Most of what we read and discuss are things associated with the problem, but a mass majority of doctors rather avoid the reality of scientific measurements in determining these problems many are facing.


The profession says they want a scientific biological approach, but when such science presents itself as clinically possible and clinically relevant they make excuses so they don’t change their habits in how they diagnose, evaluate and treat their cases. The mass majority of dentists rather begin to criticize the measuring devices since it doesn’t fit into their way of thinking nor does it fit into their realm of wanting to do things differently. They rather settle for the simple, easy and convenient ways that support their old habits and methods they are use to doing.

Some in our profession are beginning to see the value of measurement to muscle function but have not yet been fully educated in to how to reach homeostasis since again they are not willing to investigate all the parameters of jaw positioning, function and quality of resting modes as they relate to healthy occlusion vs. pathologic occlusion. Secondly, most are not willing to spend the time in putting in the time to measure and quantify to what level of details they are adjusting the bites that in turn effect muscle activity levels and in turn effect joint function which in turn effects the central nervous systems status of the patient.

Because most dentists are searching for easy ways to do their dentistry and not really willing to put the necessary time into learning how to establish physiologic resting states via quality quantifiable occlusion, they then make many assumptions about many things…and so when the patient stops coming into the office or they stop complaining to the doctor or just stops in total the profession would typically deem their treatment as stable and successful…but this forum realizes differently.

We know the truth of this matter…. Measurements of physiologic function and measurements of resting modes of the neuromuscular system is valid and highly necessary to help orient all in the right direction objectively. This is what I try to do to better understand what stability really means in this world of TMD and orofacial pain.

STABILITY is measurable and can be quantified.  HOW STABLE IS YOUR CASE?

 –  Clayton A. Chan, D.D.S. – General Dentist


To Read More: PHYSIOLOGIC REST – A Key to Effective Diagnosis and Treatment

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