What is the Exact Difference, Pros and Cons Between Other NM/Physiologic Teachings and GNM?

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by Clayton A. Chan, D.D.S. – Founder/Director of Occlusion Connections, Las Vegas, NV

Original Post Thread at:

There are many aspects and differences that dentists have discovered unique setting Occlusion Connections GNM teachings apart from others along this journey of practical application, principles and understanding. I know I practically and actually treat TMD Fb patients who present with complex conditions to test our knowledge, techniques and understanding about TMD, occlusion and the various aspects of human pain and suffering we see daily on these forums. We don’t just diagnose cases but we actually practice what we teach in both phase 1 stabilization, by actually treating real TMD Fb cases from various places who come and travel to us here in Las Vegas to test to see how strong and valid the GNM teachings and concepts are. As many realize we interact daily with these forums as a means to give support, educate and share our ideas….we are not on these forums to solicit patients..that is not our intent all the years we have been on these forums as many have known about us…but rather we have been on these forums testing and learning from others as well as testing our occlusal paradigms against other philosophies and teachings when it comes to actual clinical application. We see patients from various places, states and countries. My GNM colleagues and I are real dentists who see real FB patients, doing what we know is best to help them get better.

I know there are a number of OC trained GNM dentists here on these TMD forums who are quietly reading, who do not promote themselves, but are definitely the ones who have gotten NM training formerly,, use K7 and myomonitor TENS for years and now continue to further their training with OC in GNM realizing the powerful techniques and concepts that we have helped them understand so they in turn can treat TMD cases from various parts of this world…OC is not great in number but in fact we are a very small group of finely tuned and skilled dentist who take the time to analyze, diagnose and implement our skills in the manner we find effective following GNM protocols. This way we can really put to test all the talk and use of fancy terminology we read about on these forums…and now use our skills, understanding of occlusion and TMD training on a world wide stage. This is not easy to do when we know TMD folks converse on and off these forums privately sharing openly with doctors and lay folks…with so many great questions….challenging just about all sides of the fence as to how treatment is progressing etc.

Whether GNM treatment is effective or not so effective is all brought to light over time via various forum members comments…at least we put it out on this open forum stage to see how strong our G+NM occlusal principles are.

I am the developer, founder and pioneer of GNM, Yes, I treat cases from start to the end phase 2 to see how well what we teach and advocate is strong enough to withstand the scrutiny of so many lay folks on these forums. Many dentist realize this is extremely difficult to do… Every dentists knows that it is not so simple to be a practicing and viable dentist on these forums for a long period of time…because folks in time find out through the grapevine whether a dentist is valid in what he advocates or not…time is a real tester of ideas, teachings etc….when you have the whole world scrutinizing just about everything one does from all angles it is very challenging…but we try our best to be honest and truthful about our dentistry and treatment methodology. We make no promises or guarantees…but my GNM colleagues and I try our best to implement what we know and believe in detailed, micro occlusal manner…spending time with out patients…not rushing them as they seek improvement and regain their lives back, slowly but surely. That is what we do.

Based upon our scientific and sound neuromuscular occlusal and gnathic teachings many of my OC GNM colleagues learn and realize that they are getting better results clinically with their TMD patients than what they have learned and experienced from before…and to me this is what makes this whole process worth the while and why we openly try to share it on these forums…The logic, rationale, the discipline and commitment we GNM doctors have toward helping those we can in a detailed comprehensive yet conservative manner is what we try to do. We try to help the FB folks by educating them with great information from our OC website…we are noted for sharing lots of information freely, being supportive of the suffering TMDers….so many of the more difficult and complex TMD folks are on these forums.

Everyone must learn, discern, educate themselves to understand what questions they should be asking, learn to filter the junk from the good stuff. Ask the important questions to doctors you see post on these forums…dont’ be fearful…dentists don’t know everything…as many folks realize by now…we are humans too….But ask questions for your own sake to protect yourselves when going in for treatment. That has been my purpose and reason why I have been interacting over 5-6 years on these forums trying to help make genuine folks in need find some reasonable answers to their occlusal dilemmas.

You can learn more about the differences between GNM and NM at:


To Read More: PHYSIOLOGIC REST – A Key to Effective Diagnosis and Treatment

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Leader in Gneuromuscular and Neuromuscular Dentistry